Tuesday, May 29, 2007

On the Road Listening to Jack


Hippie skirts twirling, muddy toes, weave around the blooming, spring trees
Something's in the oven, take a whiff, smells like love to me
Smile as wide as a western horizon sky, let me see it again please
Beautifully eery ghost songs of wayward cowboys riding on the breeze

Summer sunsets on the mountain prairie, whip time to the past of roaming
Long embraces, loving to talk this way, but we're just looking
Canine barking so excited, in the kitchen while we're cooking
Growing wrinkled, our mind's portrait is where youth's beauty will be lurking

You're the little babe of my life
You're my best friend, you make me high
And when I look in to your eyes, our love is a blinding sight
And when you shake, dance and dip, I have to keep my grip tight
You're the little babe of my life

The apples are ripe for the picking, turning leaves, release their hold
Falling in love with you for the 999th time in a warm autumn poem
Stars to infinity, on a black canvas sky, our bond is just as bold
Brown hair against the earthen tones, a beautiful sight, your glowing soul

Farmhouse down in the vale, under the foggy mountains that loom
Waking up early in the winter cold, under blankets, our naked bodies spoon
Hold you 'till the morning chill subsides, won't let you leave too soon
And when we part for the day, your imprint leaves me howling at the moon

You're the little babe of my life
You're my best friend, you make me high
And when I look into your eyes, the future looks so bright
And when you put on those dark sun glasses, you cut me like a sexy knife
You're the little babe of my life

Daniel Wilder
March 16th, 2007
11:51 AM

Ho, ho, ho! The end is in sight and I dig it. It has been a awhile since I've spread the good word of my journey through life and across the country to a land of new beginnings. The past week and a half have been filled with excitement, adventures and a whole lot of driving.

Last week we saw my parents in Minnesota and hit up my Grandfather's cabin in the great white north. I had not been there in years and as we pulled into the driveway in Crosslake the first thing that hit me was the smell. A strange musty, pine smell that shook my very being. A flood of old memories came pouring back, bittersweet and full of love. Smell is a strange thing, through the smell I experienced my entire life in that cabin in a split second. It was sad, happy and beautiful all at the same time. I hope one day Kelly will experience the same thing when she smells that Crosslake smell. We only stayed for a day and it rained but it was still excellent. And yes we checked out Victor's.

This whole trip has been a time of reflection for me. It seems that everywhere we went in Minnesota I was haunted by memories of people that I have lost along the way. They have disappeared into the countryside, only to be found in the pastures of my mind. At the same time my oldest friends remain close and I hope to reconnect with some of the lost ones eventually. Dave, your package made me cry, thank you so much for that.

Bob Dylan blasts out of the radio and we have just crossed into Maryland. We have also been listening to Matt Dillon acting out the audio book of On the Road. Kerouac is brilliant and makes me want to write more. Our trip has been a little rocky since Minnesota. We stopped in Madison and Milwaukee to see my cousins and Grandmother. I had not seen either of my cousins who are actually more like brothers since last summer. Seeing them is like re-reading your favorite book and we always pick up right where we left off. Grace got to play with Katie, my Grandma's goliath black lab. The smell of my grandmother's house haunted me with memories of Christmas and the Fouth of July and of families being families.

From Milwaukee we hit up Oberlin, Ohio to fraternize with a couple of Kelly's friends from Brazil. Planning on only staying a night, we stayed two as our cat ran away in the morning while we were packing back up. We didn't find her until this morning and she almost got left behind. Our guess was she had to do a little fraternizing of her own, answering the lustful catcalls of the night. Kittens might be on the way.

So here I am writing this as we pull into Frederick, Maryland, car packed to the brim, animals in tow, ready to grab the future by the horns, bucking and kicking until I get bucked off at the end of the line. Peace and Love all around. Dan Wilder.

May 24, 2007 3:00 PM

P.S. The above poem was written while still at "The Farm" in Boulder.

P.S.S. N-tr, Schnitz or whatever you are calling yourself these days. The root of communism is community. This means that in order for you to truly be a communist there has to be interaction between you and other people. If you are depressed you should get some help with it, I did and I am feeling a lot better. It will never be perfect but there are ways to help you cope. The world is a mean and cruel place, don't let "The Man" get you down. A lot of people love you, including myself and I was sad that you didn't come to the little dinner at my parents house. "Realize that life moves fast, it's hard to make the good things last, and realize that the sun don't go down, it's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round"(FL). The world wants to hear what you have to say. Hope to see you soon and have a good time abroad.

Monday, May 7, 2007

420 and Kinetics, Keeping Boulder Weird...

The past couple of weeks I have been ranting. This weeks entry will be shorter and more light hearted. Every year within weeks of each other Boulder is home to two events, that definitely help to keep this place The People's Republic of Boulder. I am referring to 420 and Kinetics.

420 takes place on April 20th and is the annual Marijuana smoking festival that takes place on CU's campus, much to the administration's chagrin. So like any self respecting citizen in favor of less governmental control over everything, I was in attendance.

Kinetics is a festival that takes place at the Boulder Reservoir where teams build human powered crafts that travel on land and water. The local radio station 97.3 KBCO puts on a concert while the whole race takes place. This year it was Robert Randolph and the Family Band and Los Lonely Boys. They both Killed it.

Next week I will be on the road. I think Tom Petty once sung that, "The future is wide open." That is kind of how I feel now. Peace, to and from Boulder. Dan Wilder.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I found Jesus in Salt Lake...But I could not find his private line to GWB

Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

-John Lennon-

I am going to start this weeks entry with an apology. Last week's entry was very anti-mormon in sentiment, and that was very unfair. Mormonism is not the only religion that deserves to be picked on, they all do, and for this I apologize. And yes, Temple Square is as scary as it sounds, hence the above picture.

I think it is high time that someone spoke out for all the reasonable people that live in this country and around the world. Religion is a plague that has haunted humanity for too long. It is the number-one reason for death and destruction in the history of our little blip of time on this planet. Science has completely disproved god in any form that is currently endorsed by any of the world's religions. So in my eyes anyone that believes in organized religion is delusional. It doesn't mean I don't still want to be your friend or treat you with respect.

It just means that I view you as someone who has thrown out reason and the search for truth in favor of faith. Faith is nothing more than blindly believing what you are told; you are nothing but a sheep. And not in the flock of god, but instead in the flock of whatever religious zealot human you have chosen to follow. You can never truly be free, because your mind is shackled by fairy tales and driven by power and profit. There is not one single shred of evidence that any of the miracles in any of the holy books ever happened. You can call it faith; I call it lunacy. You might as well worship Peter Pan, another great work of fiction.

I am not talking about atheist Jews, or people who become Christians for the community of it, but even this is a slippery slope. Some of you may have been brainwashed into the flock at such a young age that you know no better, and for you I feel sorry. There should never be any type of religious child, as they are too young to choose for themselves. But if you actually truly study the facts of science it may not be too late to unshackle your mind. For some it is too late and you will have wasted much of your life's time and energy praying and performing ridiculous rituals in the name of a nonexistent god, not to mention giving your money away to child molesting priests.

Are human beings really so greedy as to have to believe in more than this beautiful little life we have the privilege of living? I think not. I sometimes wonder what would happen if all the people that spent their time every Saturday and Sunday praying in a Temple, Church, or house in Waco, instead took that time and used it to try to promote peace and love to their fellow man. Not in the name of God, because that just creates problems, but instead in the name of the human race, because that is what everyone deserves. The world would be a much happier place.

I am bringing this up because at the moment we are being led, blindly, by a schizophrenic, religious madman named George W. Bush. He has killed more innocent people than most dictators that we loathe, yet we stand by idly and let him do it in the name of God and Oil. Which brings me to another point: Troops are being sent back to Iraq for a third time. I realize it is not your choice if you are in the armed forces to be sent back, but at some point soldiers become personally responsible for the acts they commit.

Look at all the soldiers in Vietnam who took responsibility for their actions and refused to fight any longer even if it did mean jail time. I would say the time is now to refuse to fight. The American people have your back. If you are being sent back for a third time refuse to go. If you do go, know that I, along with a growing number of Americans, do not support you. You are not fighting for freedom, you are fighting for money. And know that if you are going to get a college education or for another such reason, it will be at the expense of the deaths of thousands upon thousands of innocent Iraqi lives that you have gained these rewards. They call this blood money.

The estimated body count of innocent Iraqis on Iraqbodycount.net is minimum 62,760 and maximum 68,786. U.S. soldier causalities are around 3,000. Sounds like there is a whole lot of Iraqi-family target practice going on (aka murder). Soldiers that continue to fight are either mercenaries, people with bloodlust or just too dumb to realize they are part of one of the worst atrocities in American history, and none of them deserve respect or support. It may seem harsh but we have lost a war that should have never been started in the first place. The people that started it should be tried as war criminals and our country should be ashamed that we didn't speak up earlier, I know I am. Peace!

Dan Wilder